• System Announcement

      Calling the attention of all Faculty Members, as per Memorandum 21 series of 2024, the ICT Unit will be deleting data in the LMS.

      The following are the deletion schedule:

          1. AY 2020 – 2021: July 22, 2024
          2. AY 2021 – 2022: July 24, 2024
          3. AY 2022 – 2023: July 26, 2024

      To prevent loss of important course materials and data, all faculty members are required to back up their data before the scheduled deletion dates. Detailed backup instructions can be accessed via this link.

Site announcements

Access your eskUelA account

by LMS Admin -

eskUelA is the official kasUbAy Learning Management System. There are various ways of accessing eskUelA.

Desktop Web Browser

  1. Go to eskuela.antiquespride.edu.ph
  2. Click the "Log in" button
  3. Click the Google button
  4. Login your antiquespride account.

Mobile Phone

  1. Make sure that your antiquespride account is logged in on the web browser that you are currently using. 
  2. Go to eskuela.antiquespride.edu.ph
  3. Click the "Log in" button
  4. Click the Google button

eskUelA Mobile Application

  1. As of the moment, eskUelA is available to Android Devices only.
  2. Add your antiquespride account to your mobile device through the Settings App. Remember that adding accounts vary depending on your mobile device's manufacturer.
  3. Once antiquespride is added to your account, click this link to download the eskUelA Mobile Application.
  4. Follow the on-screen instructions to log in.


For eskUelA-related concerns, please send an email to lms.support@antiquespride.edu.ph or call (036) 641-9030 to 37 local 1213.

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